Tropical Storm Ernesto with wind gusts up to 63 MPH in Saint Lucia as the center of Ernesto moves nearby.
Ernesto is located 13.5N 61.5W, about 40 miles (65Km) WSW of Saint Lucia, about 25 miles (45Km) WNW of Saint Vincent. Maximum sustained winds of 45 mph (75 km/h) with movement West of 270 degrees at 24 mph (39km/h), minimum central pressure of 1002 Mb (29.59 inches)
A mother of two died after becoming trapped in quicksand within hours of arriving on a luxury holiday in Antigua, an inquest heard.
It is thought Nicola Raybone had gone to the beach to watch the spectacular sunset
Nicola Raybone's shouts for help went unheard by fellow guests attending her father's wedding on Antigua.
Tropical Storm Ernesto is currently tracking towards portions of the Caribbean Islands. The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters have measured sustained wind speeds of 50mph with higher gusts. The storm is expected to continue to strengthen over the next 48 hours.
Jamaican authorities have seized 24 pounds of cocaine concealed inside the shell of an X-Box.
The Jamaica Customs Department says that the cocaine was discovered at Kingston's airport shortly after a Guyanese traveler cleared customs with a laptop and a suitcase.
Jamaican born Robert Davis has launched his book titled “Jamaica by Air” with over 200 photographs of Jamaica. These photographs are unusual because they were shot from a helicopter with the doors removed for an unobstructed view of Jamaica from the air.
Presidential Proclamation--National Caribbean-American Heritage Month
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